[CBi online consultation] Guidance Toolkit for supporting private sector networks in complex emergencies


With the support of ECHO and in collaboration with other partners, the Connecting Business initiative* has started developing a Guidance Toolkit that will help CBi Member Networks, Global Compact Local Networks and other collective private sector platforms to engage (local) companies in addressing complex emergencies. Strengthened engagement of the private sector in these operating environments should be based on standards, guidance and good practices that have the potential of being replicated and scaled up. Furthermore, activities should be designed with the specific context (political and socio-economic environment) in mind.

This webinar will provide an overview of existing guidance, good practices and emerging trends in private sector engagement in complex emergencies. More importantly, participants will be invited to provide feedback on the draft outline of the Guidance Toolkit, share case examples and exchange lessons learnt in the area. To join, please click here.

*The Connecting Business initiative – launched at the World Humanitarian Summit in 2016 – is co-lead by UNDP and OCHA and governed by a multi-stakeholder Executive Committee (currently consisting of the UN Global Compact, Boston Consulting Group, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, Government of Belgium, IFRC and The UPS Foundation).