The Ocean Stewardship 2030 roadmap: ensuring a healthy and productive ocean by 2030

  • As we enter the Decade of Action to deliver the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the world faces an unprecedented test with the COVID-19 pandemic. 
  • The acceleration of ocean-based solutions can play a key role in recovering better and delivering on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 
  • However, at present, the ocean is largely unexplored and unregulated, and victim to excessive exploitation and unsustainable practices. 
  • To ensure a healthy and productive ocean, the Ocean Stewardship 2030 roadmap has been developed, consisting of ten drivers to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals. 
  • The five tipping points cover sustainable seafood, decarbonized shipping, ocean energy, ocean mapping and data, and waste management.
  • The ambitious Ocean Stewardship 2030 roadmap will help ocean-related industries and policymakers to jointly secure a healthy and productive ocean by 2030. 
  • Every year, the Sustainable Ocean Business Action Platform will take stock of the Ocean Stewardship roadmap at the UN General Assembly Week. 
  • This year, none of the tipping points were deemed to be  on track to deliver on the 2030 agenda. While there are encouraging trends in the seafood, ocean data and ocean energy space, much more needs to be done. 
  • Zero carbon shipping and plastic pollution are severely off track with immediate and tangible action needed. 
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