Major Activities related to GC 10 principles in Fiscal 2006

  • 08-Apr-2007
Time period
  • July 2006  –  March 2007
  • Major Activities related to GC 10 principles in Fiscal 2006

    In General;

    Anritsu Corp. and its group companies employees pledged to respect and observe the Anritsu Group Code of Conduct. In Japan the group employees, part-time workers and their suppliers answered questionnaires on ethical matters to avoid occurrences of ethical problems.

    Principle 1;

    Anritsu Corp. and its group companies trained their employees on human rights, promoted in-office recognition about securing labor safety and health supplied. The company supplied its vector network analyzer to Tohoku University for contributing to humanitarian demining of antipersonnel mines. It requested that its suppliers comply with protection of human rights,

    Principle 2;

    Anritsu Corp. and its group companies in Japan held Compliance Reinforcement Week. The company requested that its suppliers not take part in human rights abuses.

    Principle 3;

    Anritsu Corp. extended measures to promote balancing of work and childcare and youth development.

    Principle 4;

    Anritsu Corp. requested that suppliers not take part in forced labor.

    Principle 5;

    Anritsu Corp. requested that suppliers not take part in child labor.

    Principle 6;

    Anritsu Corp. and its group companies in Japan accelerate the schedule to achieved legal ratio of handicapped persons employed, and further promoted balancing of work and childcare. The Anritsu group in Japan promoted measures to stop gender and racial discrimination.

    Principle 7;

    Anritsu Corp. and its group companies that have manufacturing facilities in Japan continued environmental accounting. And Anritsu group promoted preserving the global environmental activities worldwide.

    Principle 8;

    Anritsu Corp. and its group companies continuously committed environmental measures according to environment management philosophy.

    Principle 9;

    Anritsu Corp. and its group companies promoted development of environmentally conscious products.

    Principle 10;

    Anritsu Corp. circulated case study sheets to promote anti-corruption awareness among employees in the group companies in Japan, and requested its employees and suppliers for strict adherence to ethical behavior criteria in procurement. The group is preparing its internal control system in place.

Principles covered
  • None reported
  • Other