2011 Communication on Progress

  • 16-Mar-2011
Time period
  • March 2010  –  March 2011
  • Stand alone document – Basic COP Template
Differentiation Level
  • This COP qualifies for the Global Compact Active level
  • Includes a CEO statement of continued support for the UN Global Compact and its ten principles
  • Description of actions or relevant policies related to Human Rights
  • Description of actions or relevant policies related to Labour
  • Description of actions or relevant policies related to Environment
  • Description of actions or relevant policies related to Anti-Corruption
  • Includes a measurement of outcomes
  • Statement of continued support by the Chief Executive Officer
  • Statement of the company's chief executive (CEO or equivalent) expressing continued support for the Global Compact and renewing the company's ongoing commitment to the initiative and its principles.

  • Santiago, Chile, March 16th , 2011

    To our stakeholders:

    I am pleased to confirm that Trilux Asesorías de Prensa reaffirms its support of the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact in the areas of Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption.
    In this annual Communication on Progress, we describe our actions to continually improve the integration of the Global Compact and its principles into our business strategy, culture and daily operations. We also commit to share this information with our stakeholders using our primary channels of communication.
    Sincerely yours,

    Albina Sabater
    Trilux Asesorías de Prensa

Human Rights
  • Assessment, policy and goals
  • Description of the relevance of human rights for the company (i.e. human rights risk-assessment). Description of policies, public commitments and company goals on Human Rights.

  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a topic that is always respected and taken in consideration in every decision.

    Human resource policies and procedures supporting Human Rights have considered getting services, paying for them, respecting and obeying the laws and being especially careful in all and each one of the Human Rights, for everyone.

  • Implementation
  • Description of concrete actions to implement Human Rights policies, address Human Rights risks and respond to Human Rights violations.

  • Our business partners and suppliers have been encouraged to adhere to the Global Compact Principles on Human Rights.

  • Measurement of outcomes
  • Description of how the company monitors and evaluates performance.

  • Our labour field is media. That's why our "weapons" are words, to communicate the importance of the Ten Principles of the UNGC. That's what we do.

  • Assessment, policy and goals
  • Description of the relevance of labour rights for the company (i.e. labour rights-related risks and opportunities). Description of written policies, public commitments and company goals on labour rights.

  • Labour

    Even if our company is very small, we recognize the right to collective bargaining.

    And, of course, we do not accept any kind of forced or compulsory labour. Child labour is absolutely out of our minds.

    We have eliminated any discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.

    Our people have the opportunity to work for us without considering their religious position, their political position, sexual orientation, age or any kind of possible discrimination.

    We are proud to have given the possibility to a very old and very intelligent woman to work for us, in harmony and joy.

    All of us do know ILO Core Conventions and other international instruments.

  • Implementation
  • Description of concrete actions taken by the company to implement labour policies, address labour risks and respond to labour violations.

  • We also mention this topic when we encourage our business partners to adhere to the Global Compact.

    We are always trying to raise the awareness of our employees on labour rights and policies.

  • Measurement of outcomes
  • Description of how the company monitors and evaluates performance.

  • We have tried to include people without any kind of discrimination, without asking about their political, religious or sexual points of view.

    We have also given the opportunity to work with us to older people, already retired, who have helped us in a wonderful way, with their experience.

    Our goals in Labour Rights for the upcoming years are to grow as a company, and to give more opportunities to more people, especially disabled ones and older people.

  • Assessment, policy and goals
  • Description of the relevance of environmental protection for the company (i.e. environmental risks and opportunities). Description of policies, public commitments and company goals on environmental protection.

  • We have tried to support the initiatives that protect our environment from eventual damages, by writing letters or sending e-mails against a mining project in the middle of the mountains of our country.

    We have promoted greater environmental responsibility by repeating that it is a task of everyone of us, and not only a task for the government or other big institutions.

    For the upcoming years we also would like to have clean energy available, not only at work, but also in our homes.

  • Implementation
  • Description of concrete actions to implement environmental policies, address environmental risks and respond to environmental incidents.

  • We have encouraged the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies, by spreading the news about solar energy use, especially by e-mail.

  • Measurement of outcomes
  • Description of how the company monitors and evaluates environmental performance.

  • We write and talk about the importance of environmental consciousness.

  • Assessment, policy and goals
  • Description of the relevance of anti-corruption for the company (i.e. anti-corruption risk-assessment). Description of policies, public commitments and company goals on anti-corruption.

  • Our company, even if small, is well known by its transparency and honesty. We do not accept any kind of corruption, extortion or bribery.

  • Implementation
  • Description of concrete actions to implement anti-corruption policies, address anti-corruption risks and respond to incidents.

  • This is a topic that is talked with everyone who works for us.

  • Measurement of outcomes
  • Description of how the company monitors and evaluates anti-corruption performance.

  • Our goals, for the future, are to become an example to be imitated in this area.