2016 United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights


Organized by the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights, the UN Forum is the world’s largest annual gathering on business and human rights with some 2,300 participants from various stakeholder groups including government, business, civil society and UN entities, among others.

Over three days, participants will take part in 60+ panel discussions on current business-related human rights issues and topics that relate to the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (the "Protect", "Respect" and "Remedy" Framework). 

The Guiding Principles are the authoritative global standard on the roles and responsibilities of governments and businesses to prevent and address adverse human rights impacts of business activities.

The UN Global Compact is involved in organizing the below sessions at the UN Forum. 

  • Combating discrimination against persons with disabilities in the workplace and value chains  (14 November)  
  • How companies can advocate for the protection of Human Rights Defenders and broader fundamental freedoms (16 November)   
  • Lessons in implementing the corporate responsibility to respect around the world (16 November) 

In addition, the UN Global Compact will host a Meet and Greet on 15 November at 7:30 am for all UN Global Compact participants attending the UN Forum. Please RSVP to Sadhvi Saran at saran@unglobalcompact.org if you would like to attend.