Communication on Progress

  • 12-Mar-2018
Time period
  • March 2017  –  March 2018
  • Stand alone document – Basic COP Template
Differentiation Level
  • This COP qualifies for the Global Compact Active level
  • Includes a CEO statement of continued support for the UN Global Compact and its ten principles
  • Description of actions or relevant policies related to Human Rights
  • Description of actions or relevant policies related to Labour
  • Description of actions or relevant policies related to Environment
  • Description of actions or relevant policies related to Anti-Corruption
  • Includes a measurement of outcomes
  • Statement of continued support by the Chief Executive Officer
  • Statement of the company's chief executive (CEO or equivalent) expressing continued support for the Global Compact and renewing the company's ongoing commitment to the initiative and its principles.

  • Statement of continued support
    5 mars 2018
    To our stakeholders:
    I am pleased to confirm that Page Personnel reaffirms its support of the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact in the areas of Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption.
    In this annual Communication on Progress, we describe our actions to continually improve the integration of the Global Compact and its principles into our business strategy, culture and daily operations. We also commit to share this information with our stakeholders using our primary channels of communication.
    Sincerely yours,
Isabelle BASTIDE

Human Rights
  • Assessment, policy and goals
  • Description of the relevance of human rights for the company (i.e. human rights risk-assessment). Description of policies, public commitments and company goals on Human Rights.

  • Our company is committed to the promotion and respect the protection of international law in particular on human rights.

    Thus Page Personnel is a party for now 4 years in the commitments proposed by the UN in the Global Compact.

    As a company that respects French legislation on one hand and intermediary employment exerting a highly regulated activity on the other, Page Personnel operates in a particularly protective environment for human rights.

    Moreover, as will be shown below, Page Personnel is committed for 15 years in an active policy in favor of the fight against discrimination, equality of opportunity and treatment and set up a policy to break any business relationship with a company disagrees with these principles. In this it avoids any risk of collusion on the subject.

    Regarding its suppliers, Page Personnel has set up a questionnaire requiring them to engage to respect human rights.

    In this, Page Personnel has set as one objective to maintain the same level of involvement on these issues and to respect and uphold the fundamental principles of human rights by its principals and subcontractors.

  • Implementation
  • Description of concrete actions to implement Human Rights policies, address Human Rights risks and respond to Human Rights violations.

  • As detailed below, Page Personnel deployed many tools and processes for the fight against discrimination and promote equal opportunities.

    In addition, staff Page created two functions whose missions are fully in line with the human rights and their application to everyday life in the company:
    - The Director of Human Resources who is also in charge of Ethics and legal Affairs
    - The Head of Equal Opportunities and CSR whose duties are largely dedicated to topics related to respect for human rights.

    As you will see below, it hosts a systematic training of all staff on equality issues.

  • Measurement of outcomes
  • Description of how the company monitors and evaluates performance.

  • Measuring results in this area is quite complex to perform in a similar environment to that of Page Personnel.
    Indeed, the level of demand "basic" is so important that it can not be expected in the short term to measure the progress of our company in this field.
    This is why the only relevant monitoring in this context concerns the treatment of any breach incident Human rights allegedly committed by Page Personnel and investigations, court cases, orders, fines and other relevant events related.
    However, we have several metrics particularly in the context of responses to tenders offered by our customers.
    In some cases, they in fact use of rating CSR platforms to assess the actions taken.
    When these assessments are recurring they allow to be a barometer of the implementation of CSR strategy especially in terms of human rights. For example we have answered a second time in an investigation into the "EcoVadis" platform.

  • Assessment, policy and goals
  • Description of the relevance of labour rights for the company (i.e. labour rights-related risks and opportunities). Description of written policies, public commitments and company goals on labour rights.

  • As a major interim and placement intervenor (CDD and CDI) specialist, Page Personnel has an exemplary duty corresponding to its values and ethics.
    Employees of Page Personnel shall ensure strict compliance with the principles of equal opportunity and non-discrimination in hiring both for internal recruitment and for each of the tasks entrusted to them by selecting candidates on the sole criterion of jurisdiction .

    All missions with elements of discrimination will never be accepted by a company employee.

    Issues related to the promotion of equal opportunities and the fight against discrimination are at the heart of the concerns of Page Personnel and devices to ensure that the selected candidates are on the sole criterion of competence have been up under the impulse of the direction.

    Evaluation, policy and objectives

    Page Personnel is committed for many years through charters that reflect its values:

    o Creation of an internal code of conduct now attached to all contracts of employment of our employees,

    o Signing of the Diversity Charter (2009)

    o Adherence to the Charter Social Networks, Privacy and Internet (2010)

    o Association Membership Equals A Competence (2010)

    o Adherence to the Parenthood Charter in business (2013)

    o Signing of the Charter of employment intermediaries Defender of Rights (2013)

    o Adherence to the LGBT Charter of the Other Circle against homophobia (2014)

    o Implementation of various actions in favor of equality between women and men in the Woman @ Page program.

    o Implementation of various actions in favor of equality of the LGBT community in the Pride@Page program.

    These commitments are displayed in our interview rooms (document attached) and are available on our website.

  • Implementation
  • Description of concrete actions taken by the company to implement labour policies, address labour risks and respond to labour violations.

  • Page Personnel has set up several bodies and persons in charge of ethical issues and the fight against discrimination:

    o Ethics Committee gathers every 3 months general management and key services involved (audit, legal) to define new actions to implement,

    o Responsible for Equal Opportunities and CSR, reporting to the Director of Ethics and Legal Affairs, is entirely dedicated to the subject and is responsible for training, awareness, support for operational relationships with candidate (s) and clients and follow up audits.

    o Correspondent Informatique et Libertés ensures the protection of personal data of applicant (s) and customers as part of the recruitment process and is the interlocutor of the CNIL on these issues.

    o A team of proofreaders aims to reread all ads posted online, ensure that they contain no discriminatory criterion and ensure that they are feminized. The challenge is that our candidate (s) will recognize tou (te) s in our ads and do not self-discriminate.

    Training and sensitization to the fight against discrimination are delivered to our consultants:

    All our employees benefit from the beginning of 2003 specific training on the fight against discrimination in all stages of recruitment (writing ads, entertainment interviews, gathering information on our candidate (s), transmission of information to customers) from their integration within our company and through multiple media and entertainment:

    o Training 2 half days is performed for all consultants during their induction course by the Equality Manager and Training Reminders are regularly introduced.

    o The guide "How to recruit without discriminating" is presented and explained to all recruitment consultants within these formations. Other more specific guides (on seniors and the disabled in particular) are available to them.

    o Quarterly meetings with operational allow to discuss this and to bring out issues "land" or proposed actions.

    o Practical tools are designed and provided to operational to support in their daily tasks (Guides A Competence Egale listing on writing ads, brochure detailing the process of rejection of discriminatory control, ...).

    Our recruitment processes are focused on the skills of our candidate (s) and exclude the collection and consideration of personal and potentially discriminating criteria:

    o The profile is defined with each client retaining only the skills needed sought (training, experience, language skills be directly linked to the post ...) and excluding any discriminatory criteria (age, nationality, sex , sexual orientation, disability ... ..). Our commitments in the fight against discrimination contained in that capacity in all of our contractual documents.

    o recruitment refresher training "Raising the Competence in the heart
    of the recruitment process" was given to all experienced consultants Page Personnel. This training includes an e-learning part (based on the module developed by the association A Competence Egale) and a part-face.

    o We are able to send the applications selected by our company in anonymous form to our customers who want it.

    o Our consultants are trained not collect maintenance as live link information with the skills, the candidate (s) and details of the post. In addition, all maintenance materials include a clause specifically reminding our consultants the criteria should not be collected or taken into account in the context of recruitment.

    o The candidate (s) receiving tou (te) s an acknowledgment of their application upon registration on our site and possibly an email them signifying a negative response to the case or he (she) s would not be meeting (s) in maintenance.

    o Information about the candidate (s) are stored in a database whose configuration does not select the candidate (s) based on personal criteria (genre, title, date of birth collected only to avoid homonyms ...).

    o This same basic guarantees traceability applications sent to us and subsequently there given.

    o Our candidate (s) are systematically informed (s) at the time of application and periodic recording of their application in our database and their rights of access, rectification and deletion of data about.

    o auditqualité email addresses allow candidate (s) to us with their questions and their claims. A personalized response is systematically provided to them.

    o In parallel, consultants are required to notify their managers and directors of explicit rejection or misunderstanding related to a discriminatory criterion to initiate investigations. In the event that the discriminatory application is proven and persistent, the company reserves the right to immediately terminate the recruitment mission entrusted to him. To encourage all consultants to refuse a recruitment application would involve the consideration of a discriminatory criterion, senior management is committed to compensate the loss of revenue caused by the refusal of the mission by the consultant.

  • Measurement of outcomes
  • Description of how the company monitors and evaluates performance.

  • Our recruitment procedures and the contents of our database are subject to extensive controls and internal and external evaluations:

    o The terms of the selection of candidate (s) and content of appraisals and evaluations rated by our consultants about the candidate (s) is controlled through recurring audits by our internal audit department.

    o They are also subject to multiple checks by external service providers such as SOS Racism, EQUALITY or ISM CORUM. Besides access to our procedures and our database, they perform audits on the name of the candidate (s) and requested testings.

    o We participated in the first annual report of the Diversity Charter, which allows signatories to objectively assess the appropriateness of actions taken to implement the Charter.

    o The investment that we demonstrate every day in terms of equal opportunities has been recognized as a structural element of our corporate responsibility approach in the Label AFAQ 26000 Page Personnel assigned by AFNOR in 2010 and renewed in 2012 for a period of 18 months. Page Personnel is certified Top Employers 2018 showing that these HR processes meet both high standards in human resources and they are very respectful of the international principles relating to labor law.

    o Finally Page Personnel prepare annually a social report including elements related to the comparative situation of men and women in the company. Detailed comparisons are made on the subject during the presentation of this report.

    o In addition Page Personnel has been recognized as "Top Employers" for the fourth consecutive year (certification of HR processes and working conditions by an independent body). This certification is planned every year and is a very good indicator of the extent of HR actions.

  • Assessment, policy and goals
  • Description of the relevance of environmental protection for the company (i.e. environmental risks and opportunities). Description of policies, public commitments and company goals on environmental protection.

  • Although our group is not located in a sector subject to high environmental pressures, environmental responsibility has become a key element of the strategy PageGroup for 6 years.

    Our parent company in the UK, who initiated the PageGroup efforts in terms of environmental preservation, won a Certificate of Recycling, demonstrating the will of our group to reduce our environmental impact. These forces are taken worldwide by all subsidiaries of PageGroup, and the establishment of an environmental policy adapted to each country has become a priority.

    Each year PageGroup which Page Personnel is a subsidiary publishes an annual report on social and environmental policy group. It is accessible via the website of our company:

  • Implementation
  • Description of concrete actions to implement environmental policies, address environmental risks and respond to environmental incidents.

  • The energy impact of our activity is mainly in the consumption of supplies, energy, fuel, and water. To educate our teams and reduce our consumption, several concrete actions have been implemented by PageGroup in France:

    o "Be Green": a specific logo and graphic design have been developed for this communication campaign and internal awareness. Memos broadcast regularly report the progress and explain the new measures implemented.

    o Responsible Practices: sorting, a political target "0 paper" for operational activities, mechanical reduction of energy consumption and a responsible purchasing policy are measures that we put in place our teams. Regular monitoring of our energy consumption, paper and cups is made, in order to follow the progress of the group.

     100% Recycle all paper used today for internal and external communications: it is unbleached and got the "Blue Angel" label. We have also implemented print poles (two-sided printing, printers centralization and paper waste, ...), that significantly reduce paper consumption and facilitates its recovery as waste,
     From Waste we are currently organizing the deployment of a sorting on the sites where the material and administrative resources allow us to act in this direction (provider: Blue Trash - Paprec group)
     Optimize our consumption: the group decided to limit water consumption by communicating and then installing devices enabling a "mechanical" reduction (aerators, flush dual control, ...), to rationalize electricity consumption by communicating the interests of better use of lighting and installing automatic switching on and off lighting systems as well as hardware,

    o Implement a responsible purchasing policy: we promote the use of remanufactured or recycled products, and electrical products for a rational energy consumption.

    o Relocation of registered office in a HQE building meets the highest environmental standards (automatic lighting, control valves by infrared sensor, temperature control, suppression of individual bins for easy sorting, ...)

  • Measurement of outcomes
  • Description of how the company monitors and evaluates environmental performance.

  • Not being a sensitive sector for the environment, we have focused our means of control over some indicators relevant to our business:

    - The measurement of power consumption and its evolution on the seat of personal page. This measurement made for each receipt of invoice, allows the establishment of a barometer of the power consumption and promotes the establishment of prompt corrective actions in case of anomalies findings.
    - The vehicle fleet of our teams is confined to the least polluting models (80% of the vehicles in our fleet is below the 100 g / km CO2
    - We also measure the consumption of paper.
    - Finally we analyze carefully the volume of our waste recovered through detailed reports that our collection service we address.

    - External audits:
    o carbon audits were conducted in 2011 and 2013 by an external provider. These balance sheet allowed us to have a clear vision of the direct emissions caused by our recruitment consulting and areas for improvement on which the priority is to work.
    o Page Personnel participated in the contest Cube 2020 - 2014: The first edition of the CUBE 2020, which ended on 31 December 2014 allowed users to 74 commercial buildings to achieve energy savings through the mobilization of their occupants and optimizing their operations.
    CUBE2020 is a great way to start or complete the energy saving efforts of your buildings, but also a rewarding and fun approach to your political department of Corporate Social Responsibility or Sustainability.

    - Project 2016: performing an energy audit: this audit commissioned in 2015 according to the regulations will be implemented in 2016 a significant proportion of offices Page Personnel.

  • Assessment, policy and goals
  • Description of the relevance of anti-corruption for the company (i.e. anti-corruption risk-assessment). Description of policies, public commitments and company goals on anti-corruption.

  • Our company is very vigilant on issues relating to the fight against corruption in its processes every day.

    As a company that respects French legislation on one hand and intermediary employment exerting a highly regulated activity on the other hand, Page Personnel operates in an environment that is almost not exposed to corruption issues.

    However, recognizing that there is no risk in this area 0 Page Personnel comply with and strictly implement the CORRUPTION POLITICAL GROUP.

    This policy addressed to each employee and on the intranet Page Personnel precise that "It is our policy to conduct our activities in an honest and ethical manner. We take a zero tolerance approach to corruption and we are committed to act professionally, fairly and with integrity in all our business relationships wherever we operate and to implement and enforce effective anti systems against corruption "

    Page Personnel targets in this area are continuing this policy of tolerance 0.

  • Implementation
  • Description of concrete actions to implement anti-corruption policies, address anti-corruption risks and respond to incidents.

  • So we can ensure that anti-corruption principles have been assimilated by the employees Page Personnel, all employees could potentially be a buyer or delivery service short position following an e-learning training and antibribery anti Corruption.

    A certificate was awarded after each validation successful.

    Finally, a hotline is available to employees who wish to testify about facts relating to serious breaches related to the following areas: accounting, finance, banking and the fight against corruption or anti-competitive practices.
    These calls are managed by an independent company, SafeCall, based in London, which handles calls with confidence and French.

  • Measurement of outcomes
  • Description of how the company monitors and evaluates anti-corruption performance.

  • On this point there can be several indicators of effectiveness. Thus monitoring the volume of litigation or complaints either register on this theme against us is a tool to measure the results we can not ignore.
    Thus, to date we find that Page Personnel is concerned by any case of corruption or anti-competitive practice.

    Similarly, we can track the number and topics of calls to safecall that is able to send a detailed and Page Personnel anonymous state of its business.

    To date we have recorded any call from a colleague of Page Personnel in SafeCall platform