Global Compact +15: Business as a Force for Good

  • Overview


    Marking the UN Global Compact’s 15th anniversary, Global Compact +15 will bring business and civil society to the United Nations to show how the private sector is taking action and partnering to advance societal priorities, with an emphasis on the United Nations global agenda for sustainable development to be released later this year (the Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs).

    See List of Participants


    Detailed Programme

    Focused Meetings

    Over the first two days, Global Compact platforms and working groups will convene their respective annual events as smaller focused meetings to determine how their work already is and can better contribute to achieving the SDGs.

    On the morning of 25 June from 9:30am -11:00am all focused meetings participants will come together in interactive roundtable discussions. During this session, participants will focus on identifying the key obstacles to greater private sector action in support of the Post-2015 Agenda and will define pathways to enhance impact, including through innovative models of partnership. 

    General Assembly Session: 25 June, 11:30am –13:00

    This session will be a unique gathering of all participants and special guests in the UN General Assembly Hall. Together participants will aim to demonstrate to Governments the private sector’s critical role in solving our world’s greatest challenges and show how the Global Compact’s work is at the heart of the United Nations agenda.

    General Assembly Programme

    15th Anniversary Celebration Dinner: 25 June, 18:30 – ‎22:00

    The dinner will be an opportunity to celebrate the Global Compact’s philosophy of shared responsibility for a better world and the progress made with business around the globe over 15 years. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan will be honoured guests and joining us for this historic evening.


    Media Access  |  Press Kit  |  Contact

    Media Arrangements

    Corporate sustainability has changed the way the world works. Fifteen years ago, 46 companies met at the United Nations to join in a compact with the world body on principles covering human rights, labour and the environment.  Today, 8,500 companies in 160 countries take part in this compact and are poised to support sustainable development goals with programmes ranging from women’s rights and anti-corruption to water management and combating climate change, utilizing the strategic advantage of networks in all major regions of the world.

    Marking the UN Global Compact’s 15th anniversary, Global Compact+15 will bring business, government and civil society to the UN General Assembly Hall to review the private sector role in advancing global priorities. The event will include the release of a report on the growth of corporate sustainability, and the part played by the UN Global Compact since 2000, and on likely future directions.

    Media Access

    Media access to the Global Compact+15 Event will requires:
    1) UN MALU media accreditation and 2) registration for the event.  

    1. UN Media Accreditation:
    Requests for media accreditation must be submitted through the UN Media Accreditation and Liaison Unit (MALU) online accreditation system. Accreditation through UN MALU is a requirement for all journalists who wish to cover activities at the United Nations in New York.

    More information on “How to Request Accreditation” is available here.

    Eligibility for Media Accreditation:
    Media accreditation is strictly reserved for members of the press (print, photo, radio, TV, film, news agencies and online media) who represent a bona fide media organization. No double accreditation is allowed (e.g. as press and delegate, or as press and NGO). Applications are considered on a case-by-case basis.

    The Department of Public Information (DPI) must be satisfied that the individuals applying for accreditation are bona fide media professionals and represent bona fide media organizations (formally registered as a media organization in a country recognized by the United Nations General Assembly). Media accreditation is not accorded to the information outlets of non-governmental organizations.

    2. Event Registration:
    In addition to receiving accreditation, all media personnel must register for the event by emailing the UN Global Compact Office at with your name, role and media organization. Please indicate any broadcasting equipment you will bring and what sessions you are interested in attending.

    Press Kit

    Media Overview

    Event Programme

    Live Webcast (25 June sessions only)

    Latest Headlines

    Quotes on 15 Years of Corporate Sustainability


    Media Registration & Inquiries

    Social Media

     @globalcompact I  #GlobalCompact15


    The 15th Anniversary Celebration Dinner was an opportunity to celebrate the Global Compact’s philosophy of shared responsibility for a better world and the progress made with business around the globe over 15 years. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon delivered the keynote remarks.

    We have made a collection of videos available in our library for those who could not attend.